Table of Contents

Is this legal?

Yes, none of the information we use is personally identifiable information. All of our data collection and ad serving strategies follow all applicable laws and the Consumer Privacy Act.

How accurate is the data?

We have over 5 billion data points available for criteria and demographic targeting, which is updated by our data provider daily. Also for our polygon strategy our targeting is accurate up to 3 feet by 3 feet. We utilize highly-targeted data to market directly to the people who make up your ideal audience.

What is a Device ID?

A device ID is the identifier of a smartphone, laptop, desktop, tablet, and/or smart TV devices, and allows us to deliver ads in a myriad of ways. Deployment comes in many forms like in-app display ads, social media ads, and display ads in browsers like Safari and Google Chrome. If we capture one device ID, the power of device ID targeting goes far beyond the initial device. Cross device marketing allows us to also advertise on users’ other associated devices.

How do you do it?

Your ads will infiltrate the entire digital landscape of the audience we target. While it starts with the initial device ID captured, we leverage cross device marketing towards users on their other associated devices such as; tablets, desktop computers (both personal and work), laptops, connected TVs, connected gaming systems and apps like Hulu and Tubi.

This provides the opportunity to deliver multiple impressions through multiple devices and channels. On most devices, they populate via in-app display ads on popular apps, display ads through the search browser on sites where ad space is available, and all of the social media channels. The ads serve via these channels depending on the end users’ behavior. The difference is that our ads only target those we’ve identified as the perfect audience for your business. No marketing spend waste, whatsoever.

Is geofencing the same thing as your polygon technology?

In short, no. Traditional geofencing can only hit an area, with the smallest radius being .8 miles. Geofencing can only serve ads to devices when they are physically inside that radius. Specificity uses highly precise polygon targeting which is accurate down to 3 feet by 3 feet, ensuring we are only targeting a very precise location. With the polygon targeting, we can extract the device ID from this location and market to that device or associated devices for as long as we would like, not just while they are in the location. This is important because we can deliver multiple impressions with a cadence and frequency to convert. Polygon allows Specificity the ability to drop nets around specific locations and acquire the device IDs of people who visit them. The polygon strategy is imperative to building the specific audience that makes sense for your product or service whether or not they are at the location targeted. This means that we can target customers who visit your business and/or customers who visit other businesses.

Is this in compliance with the users privacy laws?

Yes, none of the information we use is personally identifiable information.

We cannot get personally identifiable information from the data we use or access the actual data lists themselves. It is hashed data that our data partner publishes directly to our programmatic software (DSP), so we cannot actually access this data. The same goes for when we use pre selected audiences, or build an audience with one of the providers. We cannot access the actual data of the potential marketing prospect. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Data protection statement:
Specificity’s data partner contractually requires all our data vendors to comply with applicable laws regarding data collection, including CCPA (CA Consumer Protection Act) and PII (Personal Identifiable Information). Specificity’s data partner is not a publisher and does not work directly with publishers, who bear the responsibility for notification and opt-in/opt-out. Specificity’s data partner purchases data that is collected and shared by partner companies in full compliance with all laws in effect, as well as voluntary guidelines set forth by the IAB and NAB. Specificity’s data partner will continue to be able to deliver data for California geoframes and expects minimal impact as our publishers and data suppliers are complying with the requirements for opt-in/opt-out of selling personal information as set forth in the CCPA and are legally providing information to Specificity’s data partner that is used in our platform for analytics and advertising purposes. Specificity’s data partner is also working with its privacy attorneys to ensure that they fully comply with any direct obligations imposed by CCPA, as the law is somewhat ambiguous in areas and we are committed to remaining in full compliance.Re: HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Specificity’s data partner’s platform allows users to create and use any type of audiences they choose – if they choose to create audiences from medical related locations we would recommend that they take the time to investigate HIPAA’s regulations and any potential legal liabilities they might have before they publish and or run campaigns against these audiences. Specificity’s data partner uses a unique hashing algorithm as an additional precautionary measure. This unique hash replaces all mobile advertising ids used for ALL our user-facing reports or downloads. (Note: This does not affect the formats for the secure audience publishing we use to DSP and DMP partners for advertising purposes.)

Would my device be at risk of being hacked?

No, we are not dropping any cookies or software in to the audiences’ devices. We are simply extracting the device ID and publishing that ID to the audience to serve ads via our platforms.

What happens to my audiences’ information once it is extracted from their device?

We cannot access any information on the device and the device ID is directly published to our platform as hashed data, so we cannot view the information for the specific devices.

Can the audience turn off the data sharing?

The user of the device can turn off specific app tracking or they can set their device to receive no ads in their social media apps or browsers. We can still track behavior outside of specific in-app behavior and most users do not completely turn off ad serving in the various apps or browsers.

What happens if they clear the cookies on their device?

Cookie disabling or clearing does not affect our ability to target because the device ID extraction is not a cookie based strategy.

Are many other businesses using this method?

No, we have an exclusive agreement with our data providers and ad serving platforms. Other companies can utilize the platforms by themselves, but our secret sauce lies within the unique combination of the different platforms we have married to create our marketing strategy.

How do potential customers see our ads?

Your ads will infiltrate the entire digital landscape of the audience we target. While it starts with the initial device ID captured, we leverage cross device marketing towards users on their other associated devices such as; tablets, desktop computers (both personal and work), laptops, connected TVs, connected gaming systems and apps like Hulu and Tubi. They serve based on the end users’ behavior on apps, websites with ad space and all social media platforms.

What is the purpose of digital marketing?

Most people spend a majority of their time on devices whether it be a smartphone, computer, smart TV or gaming console. If you are not marketing to your customers in the digital space, you are missing the opportunity to get in front of them where they spend most of their time!

Does my website content affect the campaign results?

Yes, we always want the ad content or call to action to be related to the destination content on your site. If the user arrives at the site and does not find the information they came for, it can result in a bounce from your website, or even possibly leave a bad taste in their mouth in relation to your brand.

How do I know how effective/beneficial it will be for my company? How can I tell if my campaign is successful?

We provide analytic reports which show the performance of the campaign as far as the engagement with the ad creative. We also provide foot traffic attribution reporting to prove the physical visit results driven from our campaign specifically. We can see when a user saw our ad and then visited your location. We can also use this FTA strategy for home service type companies without brick and mortar locations. The company simply provides the addresses where they completed a job or estimate, and we can attribute the conversions by cross referencing the devices that saw our ads and the device’s home address.